SEDP MBA - Corporate Governance - Simbag sa Emerhensya asin Dagdag Paseguro Mutual Benefit Association Inc. (SEDP MBA) - Microinsurance

Corporate Governance

Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard

Governance is the key factor of organization’s failure or success. SEDP MBA as a regulated entity of the Insurance Commission is mandated to practice Corporate Good Governance for the general welfare of our members and other stakeholders.

SEDP MBA is committed in the promotion of corporate good governance within its organization and among its stakeholders. Together with the Board of Trustees and Management, SEDP MBA will remain steadfast in monitoring the performance of the organization, strive to make good and sound decisions, and will hold its governing board accountable for its execution in achieving our corporate goals.


SEDP MBA supports transparency to all of our policies to achieve a common goal system and order. These are the agreements, manual, by laws and charters that are carefully done to uphold each rights and make our organization stand to continued service.

Board of Trustees Committees

Governance Committee/HR and Renumeration/Nomination Committee
Rev. Fr. Jose Victor E. Lobrigo
Ms. Remegia LL. Balucio
Ms. Teresita Q. Galang, CPA, DBA
Rev. Fr. Rafael B. Sambajon
Related Party Transaction Committee
Rev. Fr. Jose Victor E. Lobrigo
Rev. Fr. Rafael B. Sambajon
Ms. Rosana D. Ballarbare
Ms. Amalia T. Clarianes
Board Risk Oversight Committee
Rev. Fr. Rafael B. Sambajon
Rev. Fr. Jose Victor E. Lobrigo
Ms. Teresita Q. Galang, CPA, DBA
Ms. Riza B. Rabe, CPA
Finance Committee
Ms. Teresita Q. Galang, CPA, DBA
Ms. Amalia T. Clarianes
Ms. Rosana D. Ballarbare
Ms. Jocelyn Diaz
Audit Committee
Rev. Fr. Rex Paul B. Arjona
Rev. Fr. Rafael B. Sambajon
Ms. Rochelle B. Apoon
Ms. Teresita Galang, CPA


Simbag sa Emerhensya asin Dagdag Paseguro Mutual Benefit Association Inc. (SEDP MBA) © 2025 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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