Sep 25, 2021 12:00 AM
This is a program funded by the SEDP Mutual Benefit Association (SEDP MBA) in September 2021. It came as a response to calamities in 2020 that hit the Bicol Region in succession including the typhoons, volcanic eruptions, flash floods and weather disturbances. As if these were not enough, the pandemic in 2020 made the backdrop against which the micro-entrepreneurs operate even gloomier and almost hopeless.
Most, if not all, of the MEs assisted by SEDP operate their businesses in their homes which were the first to be affected by the calamities. With the closure of the enterprises, the MEs had to retool themselves with new skills either in operating a new business or in gaining new knowledge in managing their finances by having clear financial goals, managing their budget, savings, debt and small investment or business ventures.
Project Objectives:
Target Participants
The target participants of this training were active SEDP members who have existing businesses or have potential to undertake micro-enterprises.
Impact of the Pandemic on the Project Strategy
The long-staying pandemic has resulted to changes in the content of the modules as well as delivery mechanism of the project. In addition to the financial literacy sessions, sessions on digital marketing were prioritized because of the need to develop the members' skills in navigating the digital platform. Also, because of the restrictions against holding big gatherings like training sessions and seminars, the project opted for YouTube and online webinars.
The key activities of the project were the following:
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